Sunday, June 1, 2008

Responses to ID column: published letter to the editor

Can't lock up your faith

Dr. Albert Gapud's May 25 article, "Don't be distracted by intelligent design," speaks volumes for modern thinkers.

His comments seem to be written as a closure of further dialogue. He obviously is well-educated in science, which holds fast to the Darwin theory. He is a product of a scientific community over-exposed to evolution.

Intelligent design, which acknowledges either directly or indirectly that God created the world, must not be confined to churches and seminars. Faith cannot be placed in a box to be opened only on Sundays and at special times. Faith in God must permeate every facet of our lives.
About 10 to 12 years ago, while on vacation, my wife and I attended a church on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The preacher, priest or monk (I'm uncertain of his title) wore a burlap robe and openly criticized those "hillbillies" who live in the lower part of the United States for their simple belief in creation.

He said the Scopes trial settled the evolution question years ago. At the close of the service, I shook his hand at the church door and emphatically told him, "I am one of those Bible-believing, lower Alabama hillbillies you were talking about. I believe God created it all, as written in the book of Genesis."

He looked like he wanted to crawl away or run. But he had to face me for a moment, until I moved on out the door.

There are many questionable subjects that have been erroneously presented as fact. Creationists have been discredited and declared "politically incorrect" by colleges, where no discussion is allowed. It's "my way or the highway."

The "lock-box" technology has also been used to promote global warming, sexual perversion and the murder of innocent unborn children.

To allow evil to prevail, all we have to do is nothing.


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